To support an expected surge in business activity in Futuro Group’s Mozambique operations, a significant investment has been made in upgrading the performance and security of the groups IT infrastructure.

Key components of the upgrade are as follows:

  1. Migration of network to the cloud to enable greater mobility, greater security, centralized management and easier collaboration.
  2. Upgrade of dedicated Internet connectivity in Mozambique and Perth to include full redundancy and to enable vastly improved network performance.
  3. Upgrade of network devices to enable simple scaling, greater network security, more responsive support and faster collaboration.

Recognizing limitations placed on business by Mozambique’s developing digital infrastructure, the Futuro Group CEO had the following to say about this project,

“As a leader in staffing, training and administrative solutions in Mozambique, operational efficiency and stakeholder responsiveness is core to Futuro’s value proposition. For this reason and to ensure our digital integrity, Futuro has invested in an innovative network infrastructure that will provide us a clear operational differentiator in Mozambique. Reliable, secure and mobile connectivity will help ensure our stakeholder’s expectations are exceeded”.